Daily News

Friday 16th June (TEST ONLY)

Registration 8.45am TIC Venue
Reminder: All Year 11 Māori students to go to the hall Period 3: at interval, line up at the hall before the second bell Gr Hall
Interval Meetings 11.00am 
Prefects Meeting: At Interval in the Study Centre Ho SC
Meditation Club: Try it out today in E3. All are welcome.                        Google Classroom code:7ihvo2w Si E3
Lunch 12.30pm
SCHOOL BALL: All year 13 students attending the School Ball on Wednesday must attend a compulsory meeting at Lunchtime today in the hall with Mr Hotham and Mr Kirkham. Tickets will only be issued at this meeting. Ho Hall
Politics and Current Affairs Club: Meeting today in B5 Es B5
After School Training/Meetings 3.30pm
General Homework and Study Help: After school in the Library: Mondays and Wednesdays 3.20pm-4.00pm.  Academic Honours students will be present to help you. Boys from all year levels are welcome. Ay LIb
World Refugee Week: This week is World Refugee Week where we celebrate the refugees and think about how we can make the world a better place for them. There are many events that you can take part in.  Wednesday: Brotherhood Football Match at lunchtime on Field Two. Thursday: Quiz at lunchtime, bring a team of 4 to 6 to the library to participate. Everyone is welcome. Poster Competition Entries Due Today: bit.ly/HBHSupload Tutor Group Quiz Question: Q: Currently, where are most refugees coming from? Submit results in the form: bit.ly/tutorquiz
NZ Scholarship Examination Entries: Reminder that these close on Friday. Forms are available in the Senior Study Centre, from a Prefect on the Academic Committee or have been emailed to all Year 13s last week. Hand in to the front office reception desk or Mrs Ashby. Ay
Years  9 – 13: Make sure that you have planned your HBHS Careers Expo visit with your whanau. This Thursday in  Gym 1. Drop in between 5.00pm and 8.00pm. A fun and informative evening. Rl SSC