Arts, Clubs & Music
Ms Hudson
- Extension for senior students/Life Drawing
Arts Club
Ms Hudson
- Arts appreciation through attending Performances, Galleries etc, in the community
Audio & Visual (AV)
Mr West
- Support staff and students complete video and audio projects
Aviation Club
- Start your Pilot training
Book Club
- Develop a passion for great literature
Mr Nolan
- 4th NZSS Championships 2015, 5th 2016
- 1st Super 8 2014 & 2015
- 1st WSS 2012 – 2017
- Bronze medal NZSS Championships 2019
IT Teachers
- Lunchtime access to computer facilities
Dance & Drama
Mr Ashton
- Theatre Sports
- HBHS Hip Hop Crew
- Annual production with HGHS
- Super 8 Drama Champions 2015, 2017, 2018
- WSS Sheila Winn Shakespeare Champions 2015, 2017, 2018
Ms Young
- NZ World Debating 2011, 2012
- NZ Super Eight Champions 2011, 2012, 2015-2017
- Waikato Champions 2011, 2012, 2015-2017
Duke of Edinburgh Award
Mr Winslade
- A range of community activities both practical and theoretical to work towards the D.O.E. Badge Award
- 2015 5 Gold, 18 Silver, 65 Bronze Medals
Gully Restoration
Mr Winslade
- Service for students on weekends
HEART initiative
Kate Bower
- Student driven group who aim to improve the Wellbeing of all HBHS students, promoting inclusivity and acceptance of all.
Kapa Haka
Mr Jones
- Provides cultural identity for Māori students
- Kapa Haka performances and competitions
- Annual NZ Super Eight Schools Cultural Festival
Leo Club Year 9-13
Ms Dobbyn & Ms Malan
- Affiliated to Lions International
Mrs Schmidt
- Service for students within the Library
Magazine & Newsletters
Ms Moffitt
- Writing articles editing and production
Monetary Policy/Fiscal, Policy Competitions
Mr Emery
- National competitions for Year 13 Economics
Mrs Wallace
- National Champions 2015, 2017
Multicultural Manaaki Centre
Mrs Shah
- Support group for former refuges and migrants
Mr Galbraith & Mr Dent
- Tuition on a range of instruments
- Regular performances of classical and modern music
- Orchestra
- Orchestra Camp
- Jazz Band, Gypsy Pickers and Orchestra
- Chamber Music, Choir and Vocal Ensembles
- Guitar Group Rock Bands
- Ukelele group
- Barbershop Group
- Recording Studio
- Regular Overseas tours
- Annual NZ Super Eight Schools Cultural Festival
- Pipeband
- Regular regional and national competitions
- Annual NZ Super Eight Schools Cultural Festival
Mrs McGirr
- Discussing philosophical topics.
Ms Hudson
- Improve your ability to take that perfect shot
Politics & Current Affairs Club
Ms Ellis
- Students choose what they want to talk about each week
- Get stuck into controversial topics
- Watch and discuss interesting news videos
- Share and discuss interesting articles
- Come and expand your knowledge
Polynesian Group
Mr Teokotai-White
- Group performs at festivals and local competitions
Programming Club
Mr Silvester
- Game programming
Samoan Language Club
- Suitable for beginners
Science Club
- NIWA Waikato Science Fair
- Science Badges
Scuba Diving
Mr Davies
- Courses offered throughout the year
- PADI Certification and professional tuition
Stock Investment Club
Mrs Weren
- Practice trading virtual shares
Theatre Sports
Mr Ashton
- Super 8 Theatre Sports Champions 2015
- Improvised drama and competitive environment
- Junior and senior teams
- A fully affiliated HBHS Gavel Club meet after school to follow the Toastmasters speaking programme
Mr Bennett
- Regular day tramping opportunities
- Duke of Edinburgh opportunities
Mrs Weston
- Senior Writing and other competitions
Young Farmers
Mrs Cumming
- National and Local Competitions, for anyone interested in farming