As an essential element in the development of young men, we have a comprehensive Leadership Programme within the school. Students have the opportunity to be nominated or apply for, a large number of leadership positions within a variety of contexts. Our school-wide Leadership Programme provides opportunities for young men to gain experience and develop skills in formal leadership and we strongly encourage the philosophy of, ‘we all need to develop and demonstrate leadership’. Leadership encompasses mentoring programmes within the school.Â
20/20 Mentor
Mr Kirkham
- Mentoring of Year 9 & 10 ‘at risk students’
Academic Mentor
Head of Faculty
- Senior academic students assisting other students
Boys to Men
Mr Killian
- Seniors mentoring Yr 9 students
Captain of Code
Mr McKenzie
- Assist with organisation and report on code achievements at assemblies
Captains/Vice Captains of Groups/Teams
- Leaders of individual teams/groups
Duke of Edinburgh
Mr Winslade
- Internationally recognized award programme of service, physical recreation, adventure and skills.
House Captain and Deputy
Mr McKenzie
- Lead House organisation
International Student Leader
Mrs Heeps
- Assists International Director in leadership of International students
Leo Club
Ms Dobbyn
- Undertaking community Initiatives
L.I.O.N Group (Yr 13)
Mr Kirkham
- Mentoring & Service
Nga Mangai Tama Toa
Matua West
- Maori senior leadership group
Top 6 & Prefects – Headmaster
Mr Kirkham
- Head Prefect, 3 Deputies, Captain of Sport, Captain of Arts
- Leadership, Service, Academic, Cultural, Sport
- Applications open in October for 40 Prefects named in February
Sash Programme
Mr Killian
- Senior Academic Excellence boys supporting Junior ALP Students
Service Awards Programme
Mr Killian
- Students gain credits and awards at Bronze, Silver and Gold level
Sports Mentor
Mr Kirkham
- 1st team members who mentor Year 9 and 10 sports students
Student Representative on BOT
- Represents student body on BOT
Tutor Group Leader and Deputy
Tutor Group Teachers
- Assists Tutor Group teachers in organization of tutor group
Year 10 Leader
Mr Kirkham
- Formal Year 10 leaders selected in Term 3
Year 13 Leadership Camp
Mr le Roux
- Compulsory for all Year 13 students
For all enquires about leadership opportunities please contact
Mr Greg Kirkham
Deputy Headmaster
Email: [email protected]