Guidance & Counselling

Students from all year levels, ethnicities and backgrounds attend counselling.
Boys attend for a wide range of issues. These include:
  • Assisting with conflicting life demands
  • Relationship issues
  • Bullying
  • Grief / loss / family separation
  • Self esteem
  • Identity issues
  • Managing academic pressures
  • Support for low-income families
  • Advocacy for students
  • Stress / anxiety and depression
  • Support and guidance after stand-downs
  • Health issues that impact on school work
  • Anger

Our Guidance Counsellors

We support each student to experience a positive environment and feel safe and successful at Hamilton Boys’ High School.

The department is located in the new student services building close to the Argyle street entrance. If you come to the main entrance and ask the receptionists they will direct you towards the guidance and counselling offices.

Referrals are welcome from students, parents and staff. Students can fill in a referral form outside of the counselling offices and place these under the door of the offices. Parents and staff can e-mail or phone us on the contacts listed below.

Sometimes students are referred with parental permission to Nga Ringa Awhina and ICAMHS for specialised psychological support. This is done for students with depression, anxiety, panic attacks and other mental health issues.

Helpful Links

Depression NZ Government


For enquiries please contact:

Ms Kate Bower
School Guidance Counsellor
Tel: (07) 853 0440 ext 2401 
Email: [email protected]

Miss Jessica Weller
School Guidance Counsellor
Tel: (07) 853 0440 ext 2404
Email: [email protected]